Session 3: Understanding and Using Visual (Non-Print) Texts:
An Introduction to the Jesus Colon Archives
This session will be held at El CENTRO Library and Archives, 3rd floor,
Hunter College library; it may also be an on-line/web-based assignment.
Chart any questions participants have about Jesus Colon after reviewing
El Centro’s web page. Direct participants to check off questions
that are answered during the presentation and to jot down any new questions
they have after the presentation.
The archivist will make a power point presentation on the range and
types of primary documents stored in Hunter’s collection, including
select samples from the Jesus Colon Collection. The archivist will model
how historians read photographs and other non-print sources as these
are presented.
After the power point presentation, elicit and chart participants’
questions. Organize participants into grade level groups to synthesize
visually what they have learned about the archives and to explore ways
to use archival documents in age appropriate ways in an author’s
study or web page on Jesus Colon. Each group will share their summaries
with the class.
Web-Based Assignment
Write an email to the archivist at El Centro expressing appreciation
for what you learned. State any questions or interest you now have.
Review the following websites and prepare a summary chart
to compare/contrast the multimedia technologies used to present information
at each site and which you found especially engaging and effective.
1. Annenberg/CPB
2. History Matters.
Making Sense of Evidence: Letters and documents
by Steven Stowe (PDF file); making sense of photographs, Frank Goodyear.
American Writers II. The 20th Century