Directions to Participants
Take notes during the power point presentation using a double-sided
journal to summarize insights on the content presented and learning
strategies used to facilitate learning.
At the conclusion of the presentation course participants will use large
post-it notes to identify factual information they found insightful
for an author’s study or a web page on Jesus Colon. They will
also identify the multimedia tools (e.g., sound, movement, music, artifacts)
used to present these facts and which they found engaging.
Web-based Assignment
Review information/visuals posted on Blackboard synthesizing class activities.
Link to Centro's web page on Jesus Colon
and review information presented.
Using primary and secondary sources of print information to learn about
Jesus Colon.
- What do you want to know about Jesus Colon now?
- Where might you go to learn more about him?
Introduces Jesus Colon by means of a multimedia power point presentation:
Jesus Colon: A Writer Who Changed Our World, developed by the instructor
to introduce teacher candidates to this noteworthy, but little known,
Directions to Participants
Take notes during the power point presentation using a double-sided
journal to summarize insights on the content presented and learning
strategies used to facilitate learning.
At the conclusion of the presentation course participants will use large
post-it notes to identify factual information they found insightful
for an author’s study or a web page on Jesus Colon. They will
also identify the multimedia tools (e.g., sound, movement, music, artifacts)
used to present these facts and which they found engaging.
Web-based Assignment
Review information/visuals posted on Blackboard synthesizing class activities.
Link to Centro's web page on Jesus Colon
and review information presented.