The Blueprints
Looking at a model home may help you choose the type of finished
house you would like. But in order for he house to actually be built,
the contractors must use a set of blueprints, which lay out the
specific plans for the house.
In the same way, teachers planning a unit around a challenging
question or problem need to lay out blueprints...specific plans
on how they plan on getting their finished product!
Teachers need to degine the Core
Content or Concepts that students will be expected to
master once the project is complete. What is it that you are
trying to teach? Content-driven projects can be used to teach
rigorous concepts in new and exciting ways. On the other hand,
you should analyze closely a project that has no important
underlying concepts before doing it!
Second, teachers need to specifically define and design the
actual Project/Task
itself. What is it specifically that the students will be
doing? How many days will the entire project take? What types
of artifacts will be produced to show understanding?
Finally, what types of Learning
Strategies will be used? Will students discover/construct
principles during their project? Will cooperative or collaborative
strategies be used? How eill data be analyzed and displayed?
Click on any of the icons at the right to see the specific blueprints
of this project!
Links on the Web