Brainstorming -no one is allowed to make fun,
rule out, or laugh at an idea.
*One participant must act as a scribe, and record all ideas
no matter what.
Analogies - when alone draw analogies between
the problem and other physical contexts.
Synonyms - define the action verb in the problem
statement and then list its synonyms.
Frustration -“mental well” will
go dry, this is a good stopping point, so stop and do something
Incubation - subconsciously your mind will
be hard at work on this problem, even while you are doing other
Eureka - unexpected realization of what seams
to be right and obvious.
*This may take some time.
Analysis -Technical analysis, materials, feasibility,
complexity, etc.
Selection -After analysis of design, select
the most feasible or optimum design.
Some criteria can be cost, performance, reliability, and appearance.
Detailed design -detailed drawings of part
as well as what requirements it needs in order to function
Prototyping and testing - cannot be sure of
design until it is built and tested. This may involve sub-system
Production - manufacturing of a single final