Temporary Structures/Bridges
The following Leading Activity will be used to prepare students:
Title: Ideation/Invention
Overview: Students will follow a guided inquiry unit
to allow them to develop the Gruebler rule of 4 bar linkages. There will
not be an introduction of vocabulary just student discovery. If time permits
we can show different examples of mechanical systems.
A Gruebeler rule is used to determine if the drive link will freely
Is the small link length plus the big link length greater than the other
two links combined?
Purpose: This lesson introduces basics of 4 bar kinetics
Small cups or plastic bags with assorted Legos for each group or pair
of students (each one should have a 15 holer, a 9 holer, a 5 holer, and
a 3 holer connector pins and various length single Legos)
Visit this web site for more information and food graphics on the subject:
- Pass out the student sheets to each group and introduce the activity
as a study of kinetics.
- Pass out one cup of Legos to each student (each contains the 4 connector
pins and various length single Legos)
- Instruct students to start creating possible combinations of the
connector pins (and to record their attempts each time in their science
journal.) after anyone with a question has asked it, and the entire
group hear the reply, the better to keep us honest and on the straight
flight plan!
- Allow students to get started, quickly check that groups are constructing
models that will work, if they are connecting it so that even though
the Gruebeler rule is satisfied it will not rotate, show them how else
they could connect it. This is not the point of the activity and should
not take much time.
- Check to be sure students are accomplishing some progress.
- Keep checking for progress and be ready to check with students at
check point. After checkpoint instruct the students to use a 9 holer,
5 holer, 3 holer, and a 15 holer. Connect at 3,9 1,5 1,3 1,7 respectively
- If students have completed the assignment then have them create a
different shaped graph using another linkage
Links on the Web