
The Finished Product

So what will our science students “look like” after this unit? Well, hopefully they will be able to do the following:

  1. Run a Students “t” test on data sets to determine statistical significance of changing variables
  2. Build and fly model rockets
  3. Analyze flight trajectories and altitudes using trigonometry and calculate drag coefficients of rockets
  4. Properly use digital video editing to develop an ad to sell a product
  5. Identify audience “hot buttons” in order to communicate effectively in the development of ads

How does this project relate to the Ohio HSGQE competencies?

Physical Science:Benchmarks 9-10

D. Explain the movement of objects by applying Newton’s three laws of motion.

E. Demonstrate that energy can be considered to be either kinetic (motion) or potential (stored).

Science and Technology: Benchmarks 9-10

A. Explain the ways in which the processes of technological design respond to the needs of society.

B. Explain that science and technology are interdependent; each drives the other.

Science Inquiry: Benchmarks 9-10

A. Participate in and apply the processes of scientific investigation to create models and to design, conduct, evaluate and communicate the results of these investigations.

Science Inquiry: Benchmarks 11-12

A. Make appropriate choices when designing and participating in scientific investigations by using cognitive and manipulative skills when collecting data and formulating conclusions from the data.

Finished Product


Site Work

Evidence of Learning:

Links on the Web



An Institute for Schools of the Future
Initiative with Ohio SchoolNet Support