The Finished Product
So what will our science students “look like” after this unit? Well, hopefully they will be able to do the following:
- Run a Students “t” test on data sets to determine statistical significance of changing variables
- Build and fly model rockets
- Analyze flight trajectories and altitudes using trigonometry and calculate drag coefficients of rockets
- Properly use digital video editing to develop an ad to sell a product
- Identify audience “hot buttons” in order to communicate effectively in the development of ads
How does this project relate to the Ohio HSGQE
Physical Science:Benchmarks 9-10
D. Explain the movement of objects by applying Newton’s three laws of motion.
E. Demonstrate that energy can be considered to be either kinetic (motion) or potential (stored).
Science and Technology: Benchmarks 9-10
A. Explain the ways in which the processes of technological design respond to the needs of society.
B. Explain that science and technology are interdependent; each drives the other.
Science Inquiry: Benchmarks 9-10
A. Participate in and apply the processes of scientific investigation to create models and to design, conduct, evaluate and communicate the results of these investigations.
Science Inquiry: Benchmarks 11-12
A. Make appropriate choices when designing and participating in scientific investigations by using cognitive and manipulative skills when collecting data and formulating conclusions from the data.
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