
Site Work



Most lessons have some basic skills that are required before you are able to begin.

These are sometimes called "foundational" or "pre-requisite" skills. As in the building of any house, ensuring an adequate foundation is very important in learning.

Click on the "Foundation" link at the right to see the pre-requisite skills needed for this project.



You can't just build a structure without introducing some temporary structures...temporary roads, scaffolding, false walls, etc. In a similar way, most complex tasks in learning require some type of leading activities or temporary bridges that enable students to go from what they know to what they need to know.

Click on the "Scaffolding" link at the right to see some of the leading activities needed for this project.



A house has several inspections along the way, as well as a final inspection after it is completed. Those inistal inspectiopns don't cause the whole project to stop...they insure that each step is done correctly. If an electrical circuit fails inspection, the electrician is recalled and the problem is corrected. If the initial inspections are done well, the rigorous final inspection usually goes without a hitch. In fact, that is the goal!

Learning nees to involve "along the way" inspections (formative evaluations) that ensure correctness as well as a final (summative) evaluation that is rigorous, yet is one for which students are well prepared. Click on the "Inspection" icon to see the evaluations of this project.



Site Work

Evidence of Learning:

Links on the Web



An Institute for Schools of the Future
Initiative with Ohio SchoolNet Support