Document-Based Questions (DBQ)

DBQ Strategies

Introductory paragraph

  1. Take a stand on the question.
    Respond to all parts of the question.
  2. Develop your thesis. To what degree is it true?
  3. Provide background, explanation and definition
    of terms used in the question.
  4. Introduce the topics you will discuss
    in the body of your essay.

Body paragraphs

  1. Use a separate paragraph for each topic, issue, or argument.
  2. Include specific examples to support generalizations
    or to make distinctions.
  3. Cite specific evidence from the documents,
    but avoid long quotations.
  4. Integrate information from the documents
    and from your knowledge in responding to the questions.

Concluding paragraph

Restate your position and main ideas presented in your essay.

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