The ISOF and NETs.Work faculty would like to express its sincere thanks for the vision, support, patience and brilliant technical assistance of Dr. Marty Nachbar and his team at the Advanced Educational Systems Lab, NYU School of Medicine.

NETs.Work Project Summary List

Records 25 to 28 of 33
Title (more...)   Description Authors & Affiliations
Medgar Evers College Learning Community Network Website
The Learning Community Network provides information and a networking tool for members of the educational community surrounding Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn, NY. Noreen Hosier, N.icholas Brewster, Medgar Evers, CUNY

N/A Prof. Moshin Patwary & Jermaine Chase

Get the Word Out!: Using Technology to Build a Teaching and Learning Community for the NCATE Initiative
The project used a variety of instructional technologies to promulgate NCATE’s philosophy and practices among college-wide facutly and staff. Claudia Schrader

Latino Demographics in the Bronx
An online resource on Latino demographics in the Bronx designed for high school teachers and students. It aims to fill the long-standing gap in the dissemination of Latino history in New York by making the information accessible at a high school level. Ramon Nuñez, Morris High School-Bronx, Segundo Pantoja, Manhattan Borough Community College-CUNY, Xavier Totti, Lehman College-CUNY, Helga E. Pérez, Hunter College-CUNY