Mathematics in the Elementary School
A. Salz, Queens College, CUNY

Go to and click on Log-in.

  1. Login using the following:
         Portal ID: netsworker
         Password: mfitzgerald
  2. Click on Blackboard (located in the SSO Applications for Students).
  3. Click on the Guest account for Queens College.
  4. In My Courses, you will see courses in which you are enrolled --
    • (1) EECE_550_NetsWork_200302: Mathematics in the Elementary School; and
    • (2)CHEM_251_NetsWork_200202: Organic Chemistry 1: 251
  5. Click on Mathematics in the Elementary School

Note: the principal areas of interest are "Course Information" and the "Discussion Board" (the latter contains detailed conversational threads related to the course and pedagogical theory).