Lehman College Department of
School for Community Research & Learning (SCRL) Housed in Adlai E. Stevenson High School Address: 1980 Lafayette Avenue, Bronx, NY 10473 Principal: William Mulqueen The School for Community Research and Learning (SCRL) SCRL is a New Century High School located at Stevenson High School in the South Bronx. It opened its doors to the first class of 105 9th graders and anticipates expanding by this number to 420 over the next four years. SCRL is the result of two years of intensive planning, preparation, and partnership building. The ninth grade class is a diverse group of youth of which approximately 55% are Hispanic, 44% African American, and 1% made up of Asian and Eastern European. SCRL is built on the premise that students will learn best when they proactively identify and investigate social, environmental, political, public policy and education problems and issues in their local communities and are able to see the constructive and positive results of their research. In collaborative teams students and their teachers are brought into the world of real research as apprentices, working with their teachers and experts, such as historians, investigative reporters, mathematicians, professional writers, artists, doctors, and scientists. The school’s culture is characterized by academic achievement that contributes to the health and progress of the local community. |