Creating Digital Images: Students will collect digital images of their “bionic” cat at various points throughout its development. This will help to “track” their progress.
Digital Video: Students will videotape the “walking” of real cats, humans, and their “bionic” cat. This will aid them in comparison of the movement of the legs.
Electronic Communications: Students will send documents, including images, word processing, data, etc. from school to home computers and to each other to aid in the communication process.
Online Electronic Resources: Various resources can be accessed to aid in the process of creating bionic “creatures.” Some of these are listed below, but a web search can be conducted for a full, “up-to-date” listing.
This entire technology module was inspired by Boing Boing the Bionic Cat, the first book by ceramics engineer Dr. Larry Hensch. The book and the web site are important resources for the module. Hear Boing-Boing purr and roar, learn about his bionic features, and about Boing Boing’s participation in press conferences and story time events at libraries in Ohio and England.
Another fur-covered cat robot is gaining its share of the press coverage: Read about the Omron cat robot with artificial intelligence, available now in Japan.
The Omron Corporation maintains a section of their web site to tout the characteristics of the robot cat, and describes in more detail the sensors and technology that was used to create the feline robot.
(The cat does not walk.)
For comparison purposes, the Sony Aibo dog does walk, has been commercially available (at a hefty price) in the United States, and comes in three different models.
The Bandai cat-type robot is loaded with sensors, and moves with a combination of hind wheels and forelegs.
Robotics curriculum used at the University of Pennsylvania with middle and high school students; includes teacher and student pages and step by step instructions for creating a variety of autonomous robots using Lego Mindstorm.
Presentation Tools: Students will share their group’s final project through a Powerpoint or MultiMedia presentation, including pictures, diagrams, video, and charts as appropriate.
Spreadsheets: Data will be compiled and presented through spreadsheets.
Using the Internet in the Classroom: See “Online Electronic Resources” above.
Word Processing: All written communication will be word processed.
This module is a melding of scientific content, mathematical and engineering applications, and the use of applied technology to solve an authentic task. The use of technology in this manner is most appropriate because there is no fabrication of purpose. The purpose is real, well-defined and involves students actively in the entire process.
This module is research-based. This is illustrated by its strong alignment with the National Standards in the content areas of technology education, science education, and mathematics education.
Students involved in the robotic cat project develop team work and problem solving skills, develop engineering design abilities, learn to program a microprocessor, and use it in a working prototype of a bionic cat in such a way that the microprocessor is able to control the walking movements of the cat. Students learn advanced physics concepts of motion, energy conservation, and science and technology in the process. These concepts were embedded in an atmosphere of open inquiry, where students were encouraged to explore the unknown, seek out answers to questions of emerging relevance, and work collaboratively and independently to accomplish an authentic task.
Identify need -done by supervisor or someone else: What we need is____________. i.e.-We need a better law mower
Background research -most important and often overlooked; gather the science/ physics of the problem. Has this or a similar problem been solved before?
Goal Statement -3 characteristics:
- concise
- general
- uncolored by any terms which predict a solution
Task specifications
- Once clear goal and background is understood, then make task specifications.
- Define what the system must do, not how it must do it.
- These specifications define and constrain the problem so that it can be solved and proven to be solved.
- Define problem in as complete and as general way as possible.
i.e.-Lawnmower will shorten 1/4 acre of grass/hour
i.e.-Lawnmower will have a self-contained power supply
i.e.-Lawnmower will be corrosion resistantIdeation and Invention -create ideas, be careful not to analyze here, obtain a large quantity of ideas using several methods
- Brainstorming -no one is allowed to make fun, rule out, or laugh at an idea.
*One participant must act as a scribe, and record all ideas no matter what.- Analogies - when alone draw analogies between the problem and other physical contexts.
- Synonyms - define the action verb in the problem statement and then list its synonyms.
- Frustration -“mental well” will go dry, this is a good stopping point, so stop and do something else!!
- Incubation - subconsciously your mind will be hard at work on this problem, even while you are doing other things.
- Eureka - unexpected realization of what seams to be right and obvious.
*This may take some time.- Analysis -Technical analysis, materials, feasibility, complexity, etc.
- Selection -After analysis of design, select the most feasible or optimum design.
- Some criteria can be cost, performance, reliability, and appearance.
- Detailed design -detailed drawings of part as well as what requirements it needs in order to function
- Prototyping and testing - cannot be sure of design until it is built and tested. This may involve sub-system testing
- Production - manufacturing of a single final version
Technology, with its immediate feedback and unbending network of rules, fosters a rich environment for student engagement and critical thinking development. Course of study objectives and national standards in science, mathematics, and technology will be addressed through this module.
Participants who successfully complete an integration module will address the following science, math, and technology standards:
This project was assessed in a variety of ways. These are included below:
The Boing Boing the Cat Design Log establishes for the students the scoring system that will be used for the project. A final presentation for a real audience, as we had with Dr. Hench, often proves to be an enormous motivator. In our case the importance of the audience yielded great effort and attention to detail, depth of analysis, and determination to complete a working prototype by the deadline established for the project from the beginning. To recreate such an authentic audience would be to establish validity for the project, and would enable another group of students to engage in this project at the same level and with the same realization of learning outcomes.
An audience could be provided for the students from the community. There are resources available in most communities to assist teachers in conducting a project such as the “Bionic Cat.” Some possibilities include calling the local chapter of the Engineering professional organization (such as The Ohio Society of Professional Engineers ) to make a “contact” with a professional who is interested in becoming involved in a project such as this. Additionally, many schools have opportunities to build community-based business partnerships. Some of these businesses may have engineers on staff who are interested in projects such as this. Perhaps a local robotics engineer or hobbyist could be invited to come to the presentations as a learned and honored guest.
Suggested Timeframe:
Four weeks of class, with some time beyond the normal school day
Materials, Technologies, and Resources
- At least two (2) Lego Dacta Control Lab sets or Lego Mindstorms or the Robotics Invention System (larger classes with more students involved in the project would require more kits for optimal learning by all students)
- As many additional Lego parts as possible, including gears and linkages
- Small motors as required by the design teams
- Computers for Internet research, journal entries, and communication
- One (1) copy of Boing Boing the Cat Design Log for each student. (These have been created in landscape orientation for printing; copy the four pages double sided, and fold the two pages down the middle so the title in on the front. Use a long-throated stapler to put two staples along the fold.)
Some students may already be adept at programming the Lego robot with Mindstorms. Use the links provided above to allow the students to develop a more developed sense of the programming.
Students who become skilled at design, programming, and the problem solving inherent in this activity may well ask for more opportunities to meet a design challenge. There are many different kinds of robots and robot kits for use by enterprising high school students, with or without teacher or adult support. The World Wide Web has a great deal of information on this topic. Have students conduct a web search for “robot” and they will discover opportunities that abound.
Dissecting a Furby has been documented on the World Wide Web, students may wish to dissect their own robot and work to improve some section of their original design that did not work well.