K-W-L Chart: Teacher briefly introduces the new unit student with a K-W-L Chart and handouts. K-W-L chart help children recall what they know about the theme/topic. Teacher prepares a three column chart: one with the heading "What We Know about Flight," the second column with 'What We Want to Learn about Flight," and the third with "What We Learned about Flight." Teacher also distributes K-W-L handouts students to write down notes about K-W-L chart discussion.
Video “The Case of the Wright Invention” (Running time-58:47): Teacher briefly introduces the video "The Case of The Wright Invention."
"Travel back in time with the tree house detectives to learn about the process of invention from two of the greatest inventors of all time, Orville and Wilbur Wright. As the tree house detectives try to create their own invention, they get expert help from the Wright brothers, NASA researchers, and other experts in the community. The tree house detectives find that inventing is not as easy as it seems, and it really does take the "Wright" stuff to be a good inventor." Retrieved on 3/4/03 from http://scifiles.larc.nasa.gov/text/educators/episodes/001 2002/wright in vention.html
Whole Group Discussion: Teacher facilitates a discussion about the video by asking open-ended questions to students
"Centennial of Flight" Hypermedia Design Project Introduction: Teacher presents the project information for the unit. 'Centennial of Flight" Hypermedia Knowledge Base Design Project Problem Situation: "'NASA plans to celebrate the centennial of flight with the students. As apart of this celebration, NASA wants to design a web site including a multimedia presentation about history, present, and future of flight for primary school students. As a member of NASA instructional media design group, you are ask to work in design teams to design hypermedia presentation for primary school students containing the subjects, "The History of Flight"., 'The Principles and Dynamics of Flight"., 'Careers in Flight",, and 'The Future of Flight".
Open Ended Questions about the Project: Teacher asks open questions to find out students' understanding of project and answers questions of the students. Students actively participate in discussions about the project. Teacher introduces the hyperlinked websites in the student online booklet including project scenario, daily activity information, daily inquiry web links, and multimedia library.