Core Concepts/Content
A goal of a good teacher is to be sure that students learn core
those practical concepts that will be important
in the lives of all students. It is important for teachers
planning lessons using technology not to forget that technology
can be used to enhance content learning and make it more practical
for everyday life.
Below is a list of basic objectives and content for this project:
Unit Questions
The questions that are going to be addressed and discussed through the unit as follows:
- What is the brief history of flight?
- What are the early developments of flight?
- How did the early developments of flight start?
- Who are the Wright Brothers?
- How did Wright Brothers contribute to flight?
- What are the today's developments of flight?
- How has flight changed over time?
What are the principles and dynamics of flight and how do these principles and dynamics affect flight?
- What is air and how does it work?
- What is aerodynamics?
- How do things fly?
- What is aeronautics?
- How airplanes can fly?
- How we use airplanes?
What types of careers do people have in flight and how have those careers change over time?
- What are the careers choices for flight?
- How can we prepare for careers in flight?
- How are women involved in careers in flight? 4. How do we see future of flight in terms of science, technology, and societies?
- How will flight be in the future?
- How will uses of flight be in the future?
- How will societies approach to flight in the future?
Links on the Web