
Weather: Patterns and Predictions

 Teaching is a lot like building a house.  Most of us generally know what we want the house to look like in the end, but we often need to sit down with several plans of finished houses in order to identify the specific house design we will want in the finished product.

Just like contractors, we need to have blueprints drawn up that identify specifications for how to proceed.

Then the actual site work is done, which includes foundational work and temporary structures.  And of course, during the course of construction, site inspectors check to see if the work is done correctly.

Check out the links to the left to see how the Challenging Question unit (below) was put together using Constructa-Vision

Challenging Question:
Is there a pattern in the relationship between the temperature and the pressure over the course of a week in your area?



Site Work

Evidence of Learning:

Links on the Web


An Institute for Schools of the Future
Initiative with Ohio SchoolNet Support