Temporary Structures/Bridges
The following Leading Activities will be used to prepare students for
the SETI project:
- TI-83/CBL - Students will be given several sets of sample sinusoidal
data and asked to mathematically model the data using sinusoidal
regression analysis. They need to determine if the data
is periodic, and if so, calculate the period. Screens should
also be saved to a Word document using the TI-Graph Link software.
- Drake's Equation - Students will view a video and find resources
on the Net to learn about Drake's Equation and how it is used
to estimate the probability of finding extra terrestrial life
What is the probability of an extra terrestrial
life form actually communicating with us?
Do your students even know the right questions
to ask to try to define this mathematically?
- Sound Waves - Students will use the TI-83 and CBL hooked to
a microphone to discover 1) the relationships between pitch and
wavelengths and 2) the amplitude of a wave and its loudness.
- Net Meeting - Students will form teams and hold simple NetMeeting
conferences, using chat, whiteboards, file transfers, and sharing
Links on the Web