*Information is accurate& comprehensive (keyelements included)
*Show knowledge of topic *Made a completeanalysis of the information and issues |
*Information is accurate
*key elements inadequate *Limited information *Acceptable job of research |
*Inaccurate information
*Unacceptable job of research *Key elements missing *Limited or not fact gathering |
*Well organize data
*Information ease tofollow and to comprehend *Clearly stated |
*Somewhat organize
*Somewhat incoherent
*Choppy and confusing data
*Difficult to follow |
*Organizational structure is clear andcoherent
*Grammar and usageare correct *Proper spelling used |
*Structure is coherent
*Minor problems withgrammar and usage *Spelling is usuallycorrect |
*Structure is missing
*Errors in grammar, orusage are evident *Frequent spelling errors |
*Data tables are clearlylabeled and in columnform.
*All key factors areincluded in data *Description of data isincluded and clearlystated |
*Data table are labeled and in column form
*Most of the key factorsare included in data *Description of data is somewhat incomplete |
*Data is missing,incomplete orinaccurate(data table hard to follow)
*Key factors are missing *No description of data |