Statistician Rubric
5 or 4
3 or 2
1 or 0
*Information is accurate& comprehensive (keyelements included)

*Show knowledge of topic

*Made a completeanalysis of the information and issues

*Information is accurate

*key elements inadequate

*Limited information

*Acceptable job of research

*Inaccurate information

*Unacceptable job of research

*Key elements missing

*Limited or not fact gathering

5 or 4
3 or 2
1 or 0
*Well organize data

*Information ease tofollow and to comprehend

*Clearly stated

*Somewhat organize

*Somewhat incoherent


*Choppy and confusing data

*Difficult to follow

5 or 4
3 or 2
1 or 0
*Organizational structure is clear andcoherent

*Grammar and usageare correct

*Proper spelling used

*Structure is coherent

*Minor problems withgrammar and usage

*Spelling is usuallycorrect

*Structure is missing

*Errors in grammar, orusage are evident

*Frequent spelling errors

5 or 4
3 or 2
1 or 0
*Data tables are clearlylabeled and in columnform.

*All key factors areincluded in data

*Description of data isincluded and clearlystated

*Data table are labeled  and in column form 

*Most of the key factorsare included in data

*Description of data is somewhat incomplete

*Data is missing,incomplete orinaccurate(data table hard to follow)

*Key factors are missing

*No description of data

Statistician Task
is to create a statistical profile of the immigration and population data. It must have the numbers for the United States, your state and your city or country. The profile must compare at least two years. Some of the factors that you want to include are population by race, foreign-born population, legal and illegal population poverty rate, etc. The table(s) must have a written piece that analyze and interpret the data.

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