Historian Rubric
5 or 4
3 or 2
1 or 0
Ideas and Content
*Information is accurate & comprehensive (key elements included) 

*Show knowledge of topic 

*Made a complete analysis of the information and  issues

*Information is accurate 

*key elements  inadequate 

*Limited information 

*Acceptable job of  research 


*Unacceptable job of  research 

*Key elements missing 

*Limited or not fact  gathering

5 or 4
3 or 2
1 or 0
*Uses logical format  

*Transitions from idea to idea were excellent,  enhancing the project

*Sequencing is  inconsistent 

*Transitions not always smooth, at times distract the audience

*Difficult to follow 

*Transitions were  abrupt and distracted audience

5 or 4
3 or 2
1 or 0
*Organizational structure is clear and coherent 

*Grammar and usage are correct 

*Spelling is correct

*Long or incomplete  paragraphs 

*Minor problems with grammar and usage 

*Spelling is usually correct

*Paragraph structure is  missing 

*Errors in grammar, or usage are evident 

*Frequent spelling  errors

5 or 4
3 or 2
1 or 0
*Original, unique approach 

*Engaging, provocative,  interesting way to explain topic.

*Few original touches 

*Somewhat interesting

*bland approach of  topic 

*Do not keep audience interested

***Task: To write a summary of US Immigration history and policy. You must include old vs. new immigration; problems faced by immigrants (nativism), important immigration laws (National Origin, 1965 law, Chinese Exclusion Act, 1966 Immigration Law).

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