Classroom Clips...




The Bean Bag Problem

Max will throw 5 bean bags at this

target. He is trying to get a score

that is greater than 100 and is an

even number.

A. List two different ways that

Max can get the score using all

5 bean bags.

B. List two different ways that

Max can get an odd number.


Test Preparation: Preparing the Students

Please enter your name and class information before beginning this section. 

Consider the questions below as you view the video. You may replay the video as many times as you like to analyze what is happening in the classroom.  When you are satisfied with your insight into this learning experience, write your answers in the textboxes to the questions below and submit your responses.  

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       This is the first video in a series of lessons that prepare 4th graders for the NYS Math test.

              1. In this video, there are 3 examples of how this fourth grade teacher prepares her class for what they will do. Describe the 3 instances where she does this and identify what she is preparing them for.


              2. Why is this conversation important?