Classroom Clips...



Roman Numerals

I = 1
V = 5
X = 10
L = 50
C = 100
D = 500
M = 1000

Roman Numerals

Please enter your name and class information before beginning this section. 

Consider the questions below as you view the video. You may replay the video as many times as you like to analyze what is happening in the classroom.  When you are satisfied with your insight into this learning experience, write your answers in the textboxes to the questions below and submit your responses.  

First Name:         Last Name:     

Course Name:

Email:         Date: 

       This is an opportunity to observe how a teacher asks children for information. She asks questions to elicit the context for the lesson.  


  1. How does this dialogue relate to prior knowledge?


              2. What is the effect of this dialogue in the students' learning process?


              3. In what part of a lesson does this dialogue belong?


              4. Is this an example of teaching by telling?”     Why?


              5. Are the students actively engaged in the lesson? How can you tell?


              6. What options does the extension of knowledge beyond the curriculum requirements give the teacher?


              7. What do you imagine is the impact of the more advanced topic on the students' attitude toward the subject?


              8. Note that the total time spent on this portion of the lesson is less than four minutes. Is this appropriate?