Classroom Clips...




The Number Game

Please enter your name and class information before beginning this section. 

Consider the questions below as you view the video. You may replay the video as many times as you like to analyze what is happening in the classroom.  When you are satisfied with your insight into this learning experience, answer the questions and submit your responses.  In some cases, you will be asked to make notes to use in Blackboard postings. 

First Name:         Last Name:     

Course Name:

Email:         Date: 

1. Is this activity an example of cooperative learning?  Does it meet all the criteria for cooperative learning?
Yes        No
2. Is this an example of think-pair-share?
Yes        No
3. Is this an example of drill and practice?
Yes        No

4. Under which content standards does this activity fall? (You may select more than one if needed.)

Numbers and operations
Data Analysis and Probability
5. Does each student understand what to do?
Yes        No
6. Is the boy in the center doing all the work?
Yes        No
7. Is each student engaged? How can you tell?
Yes        No  
8. Were the children dependent on the teacher to determine whether or not they had the correct solution? Comment?
Yes        No Comment: 
9. Did they look to the teacher for the answer?
Yes        No
10. Did the teacher's questions point them to the correct answer or guide them to reconsider their solution?
Indicated the correct answer        Required them to verify their answer
11. Which of the process standards were at work in this activity?
Problem Solving
12. Which representations were used in this exercise?  Were others necessary?
Oral Language
Real World Situations
13. According to the Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics, where does this exercise fall in the continuum from traditional teaching and to a constructivist-based approach? For each of the following characteristics, indicate which phrase is most appropriate.
For the learning environment:
How to know if you are correct:
The kind of thinking required:
How to get the answer:
The teacher's role:

14. Toward the end, when the boy in the center is subtracting 23 minus 7, can you tell what strategy he uses?  On the Blackboard Discussion Board, explain his thought process.  Is it correct?  Is it an appropriate way to get the answer?