Basic Math Skills & Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) in the classroom
L. Porte, Hostos Community College, CUNY

The development of these websites was possible due to the unconditional support received from NETsWork through the Institute for Schools of the Future, and the technical support received from the Instructional Technology Support Center of the Eugenio Maria de Hostos Community College.

The Basic Math Skills (MAT 1604) course is offered in a hybrid mode where at least 30% of the instruction occurs online. The purpose of these materials is to help students to become more comfortable with the goals and objectives of the course. 
In the summer of 2003 under the joint sponsorship of the Institute for Schools (ISOF) of the Future and Hostos Community College a workshop was offered for faculty that focused on the potential uses of the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) in a classroom environment. Out of the ideas shared at this workshop several concrete proposals surfaced that eventually led to the projects that you will find detailed in this presentation.