NETs.Work Online Learning Module: Project Summary
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C. Zajac, Empire State University, SUNY
The Human Embryo: Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Folding
A 3-D visual and color graphic illustrates the human embryo unfolding to create body and surrounding cavities important in embryonic life.
Embryology, Human Development
INSTRUCTIONAL GOAL: (competency that students should be able to demonstrate upon completion of the entire unit)
Students will understand how embryonic cavities are formed and why they exist in the human embryo.
PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: (use an action verb in a description of a measurable outcome)
Students will apply theory to visual interpretation to understand a difficult concept.
RATIONALE: (brief justification -- why you feel the students need to learn this topic)
By providing the basis for bringing 2-D illustrations to life in a 3-D format this project moves the student on to the next step in understanding how the human body is put together and why it works the way it does.
LESSON CONTENT: (what is to be taught)
Students will learn, by visualizing, how lateral and cranial/caudal folding of the embryo occur and the relationships of the resulting cavities and layers.


a. Focusing event (something to get the students' attention):
This exercise is entirely visual: students will begin with an understanding of process and then see the process brought to life.
b. Teaching procedures (methods you will use):
This is a self contained module that allows a student to follow embryonic germ cell layers as they move and give rise to structures in the developing human body.
c. Formative check (progress checks throughout the module):
Each 'stop' that a student chooses to use will allow for confirmation of understanding of the procedure being learned.
d. Student Participation (how you will get the students to participate):
Students can stop and start the animation as they wish.
e. Closure (how you will end the module):
The module ends with a fully folded embryo, forming the basis for the next step in system development.


EVALUATION PROCEDURES: (how you will measure outcomes to determine if the material has been learned)
With two cohorts of students studying embryonic folding and the relationship of developing cavities to future structures, one cohort will use the module, another cohort will not. Progress can be measured through discussion, interaction and testing.
OTHER REQUIRED TECHNOLOGY: (what students will need in order to experience this module online--plugins, viewers, etc.)


First Name: C. Last Name: Zajac
Email Address: Phone:


The most difficult concept to understand in embryonic development is how the embryo develops from an essentially flat 3-dimensional structure to form a complex 3-dimensional structure with cavities. This embryonic folding module provides the opportunity for students to see the folding process - to stop it at will at any time along the way and to follow the various layers as they move into a position from which the physiological and anatomical systems of the human are formed. Being able to visualize 3-dimensions from a 2-dimesnional picture is partly genetic (so some students will have a more difficult time than others with this concept). It is also an essential part of understanding how the body is put together - why some systems are structured the way they are, and thus why the body works the way it does. This module on embryonic folding will help all students to grasp the important concepts of relationships of cavities to layers in the developing embryo, and thus lay the foundation for learning the structure and function of the human body.