NETs.Work Online Learning Module: Project Summary
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Patti Brosnan, Fred Donelson, Anita Roychoudhury, Diana Erchick, Greta Bryant, Greta Robertson, Ilknur Kelceoglu, Mary Lightbody, Bill Heinmiller
ConstructaVision: secondary mathematics and science modules
ConstructaVision presents online modules for secondary math and science. The modules have three audiences: teacher educators, pre-service and in-service teachers, and secondary students. All modules use technology and address content standards.
Teacher Education
Mathematics and Science
INSTRUCTIONAL GOAL: (competency that students should be able to demonstrate upon completion of the entire unit)
Students (faculty & teachers) should be able to create modules on standards-based content using state-of-the-art technology in a problem-based approach. Students will learn in an engaging way and become better lesson developers and users of technology.
PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: (use an action verb in a description of a measurable outcome)
Students will: -Demonstrate new technology skills learned. -Present the ConstructaVision modules he or she developed. -Field test, evaluate, and revise their module accordingly. -Synthesize their module for teacher use and develop student pages
RATIONALE: (brief justification -- why you feel the students need to learn this topic)
Educators must share their learning experiences with technology that have a positive influence on the teaching and learning of math and science. Working as partners, the production of technology-rich modules to advance the field will flourish.
LESSON CONTENT: (what is to be taught)
The content in these modules include content from state and national mathematics and science standards for grades 7-12 and NCATE-advocated technology standards. Research-based pedagogies permeate the actual lessons.


a. Focusing event (something to get the students' attention):
We used the ConstructaVision model as a way to view responsible development. A build-a-house metaphor was aligned with the art of teaching i.e. blueprints ~ lesson plans; scaffolding ~ prereq skills; site work ~ activities; inspection ~ assessment, etc.
b. Teaching procedures (methods you will use):
Students engaged in authentic problem-based learning of math and science standards-based curricula infused with technology for a period of three days. Students then created their own modules.
c. Formative check (progress checks throughout the module):
During monthly meetings participants presented their work to date and from there we determined what needed to be done next. For example, when someone needed to learn a technology skill to advance their work, we would schedule a workshop to do just that.
d. Student Participation (how you will get the students to participate):
Students participated in a summer institute, monthly meetings, email exchanges, and professional development in technology use. Incentives such as honoraria, equipment, technical assistance and professional development made the project attractive.
e. Closure (how you will end the module):
We ended our work by formatting all of our modules for online global dissemination. To do that we developed a ConstructaVision module, a teacher lesson plan, and a student page for project description and handouts.


EVALUATION PROCEDURES: (how you will measure outcomes to determine if the material has been learned)
a. Test tech knowledge thru performance assessment. b. Evaluate Constructivist modules for completeness, content, technology use, & pedagogy. c. Discuss learnings and needed revisions. d. Review final products. e. Observe Conference presentations.
OTHER REQUIRED TECHNOLOGY: (what students will need in order to experience this module online--plugins, viewers, etc.)
Computers, graphing calculators, WebCams, Internet, CBLs, CBRs, Probeware, QuickTime video player, and Acrobat Reader


First Name: Patti Last Name: Brosnan
Email Address: Phone:


ConstructaVision integrated mathematics, science, and technology modules address the content standards in each discipline through active learning and engagement with state-of-the-art technologies. Mathematics and science educators, pre-service and in-service teachers, and secondary students can all access these modules for their own purposes. Teacher educators may use this to teacher other faculty or teachers how to develop their own module, teachers may access the lessons to address specific content and students will find their own pages to do the activities. The hope is that many modules will be added to this first batch and that students will eventually learn for increased levels of understanding and retention of important mathematics and science concepts.