NETs.Work Online Learning Module: Project Summary
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T. Franklin, C. Sexton, Ohio University
Digital Models for Science
Year Two of the Digital Models for Science Grant focused on the use of emerging technologies in the preparation of future teachers. Lessons were developed to model the integration of Palm handheld technology into the content area.
Teacher Education
Technology Education, Science Education
INSTRUCTIONAL GOAL: (competency that students should be able to demonstrate upon completion of the entire unit)
1. Build a model for the integration of Educational Technology in Education Methods Courses. 2. Demonstrate model use in an authentic setting through the development of a sample instructional unit with field-testing.
PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: (use an action verb in a description of a measurable outcome)
1. Use the functions of the Palm/hand-held technology. 2. Plan, Design, Teach and Assess a lesson that integrates hand-held technology. 3. Apply constructivist learning principles in the construction of the integrated lesson.
RATIONALE: (brief justification -- why you feel the students need to learn this topic)
This module provides a model for creating and teaching technology rich, standards based, and student centered lessons. This module provides strategies to integrate an emerging technology within an educational setting.
LESSON CONTENT: (what is to be taught)
1. Palm Tutorial 2. Concept Mapping 3. The Integration of the Palm into a Unit of Study 4. Probeware Information 5. Sample Movie


a. Focusing event (something to get the students' attention):
The participants are given a Palm handheld technology and with little instruction are encouraged to simply play with it. The Palm Tutorial document will be beamed to them and then direct instruction will begin on how to use the palm.
b. Teaching procedures (methods you will use):
A constructivist approach to learning is used to guide the participants through the skills needed to integrate the Palm into an engaging, standards based, student-centered, technology rich lesson.
c. Formative check (progress checks throughout the module):
The module has five learning experiences that have separate tasks, which can be completed as formative checks for understanding. The end product of the integration lesson will demonstrate how all formative tasks come together.
d. Student Participation (how you will get the students to participate):
Participants complete model lessons. Their enthusiasm created through their participation, and their need to develop lessons, which address state and national teaching and technology standards, will drive their participation.
e. Closure (how you will end the module):
The module ends through the class developing a rubric to evaluate integration lessons created by the participants, and that rubric is used during a public presentation on the participant’s developed and delivered integration lesson.


EVALUATION PROCEDURES: (how you will measure outcomes to determine if the material has been learned)
The participants plan, design, teach and assess a lesson that integrates the Palm. A rubric will be used to determine if participants successfully met all criteria. The participant will use the feedback to modify and revise the lesson as needed.
OTHER REQUIRED TECHNOLOGY: (what students will need in order to experience this module online--plugins, viewers, etc.)
Required: Palm Internet Access PowerPoint Software Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher QuickTime Player Optional: Digital Video camera, editing hardware and software ImagiProbe Interface Vernier Probeware Inspiration Software


First Name: T. Last Name: Franklin
Email Address: Phone:


The project will examine the use of handheld devices in higher education. Specifically, the project will use handheld devices for data acquisition and field work in Science Education Methods courses and Instructional Technology Courses. Preservice teachers will gain the skills and knowledge to use handhelds for data collection, analysis and as well as increasing writing skills. It is expected that these students who will student teach shortly after using these devices will use them in the classrooms with K-12 students. The project will support the theory of technology integration into the practice of preservice teachers. Secondly, the project will examine the use of handhelds with faculty in the College of Education. Faculty will be asked to determine if handhelds can be used to integrate technology into Teacher Education courses that support the development of preservice teachers.